This challenge was a fun one since I did not really ‘solve’ it. I bruteforced my way through by using Qiling.
We are handed a PDF File called SOAR-challenge.pdf
. Opening it up, we see a advertisement for DSO (organizers, that’s a very smart way to do it!), but nothing else very interesting. I thought it was unusual for a challenge to be in the reversing category but not offer anything to really reverse, so I peeked deeper into the file using binwalk
, thinking that were probably embedded files in the pdf:
❯ binwalk SOAR-challenge.pdf
DECIMAL HEXADECIMAL DESCRIPTION--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0 0x0 PDF document, version: "1.4"70 0x46 Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract, compressed size: 4729, uncompressed size: 4760, name: soar.zip40792 0x9F58 End of Zip archive, footer length: 22
Extracting the files:
binwalk -e SOAR-challenge.pdf
The generated _SOAR-challenge.pdf.extracted
folder has this structure:
> _SOAR-challenge.pdf.extracted > >
Opening up the
file, we see that it has one file inside, called soar
. However, we cannot extract the file out as the zip is password protected. I threw the zip file into an online zip password recovery (ahem: cracking) service, and got the soar
file. The password was dso, very appropriate.
Initial Analysis
Running the soar
binary gives no output, so I opened up the file in Ghidra.
// WARNING: Removing unreachable block (ram,0x00101c99)// WARNING: Could not reconcile some variable overlaps
undefined8 main(void)
bVar14 = 0; local_10 = *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28); local_690 = (char *)malloc(0xd50c51); mem_i = 0; local_6b0 = 0; local_6a8 = 0; mem = malloc(0xd50c51); mem_i = 2; while ((long)mem_i < 0xd50c52) { *(undefined *)((long)mem + mem_i) = 1; mem_i = mem_i + 1; } mem_i = 2; while ((long)mem_i < 0xd50c52) { if (*(char *)((long)mem + mem_i) != '\0') { local_6b0 = mem_i * mem_i; while ((long)local_6b0 < 0xd50c51) { *(undefined *)((long)mem + local_6b0) = 0; local_6b0 = local_6b0 + mem_i; } } mem_i = mem_i + 1; } time(&local_6c0); CURRENT_TIME = localtime(&local_6c0); uVar9 = CURRENT_TIME->tm_min; buffer[0] = 0x36; buffer[1] = 0x26; buffer[2] = 0x18; buffer[3] = 0xb; buffer[4] = 0x24; buffer[5] = 0x11; buffer[6] = 0x12; buffer[7] = 0x10; buffer[8] = 0x1f; buffer[9] = 0x28; buffer[10] = 0x20; buffer[11] = 0x33; buffer[12] = 0x23; buffer[13] = 0x1e; buffer[14] = 0x16; buffer[15] = 0x2f; buffer[16] = 0x37; buffer[17] = 0xd; buffer[18] = 0x25; buffer[19] = 0x2c; buffer[20] = 0x21; buffer[21] = 0x14; buffer[22] = 0x15; buffer[23] = 0xc; buffer[24] = 0x1a; buffer[25] = 0x30; buffer[26] = 0x1c; buffer[27] = 0x1d; buffer[28] = 0xe; buffer[29] = 0x19; buffer[30] = 0x2e; buffer[31] = 0x17; buffer[32] = 0x31; buffer[33] = 0x34; buffer[34] = 0x29; buffer[35] = 0x39; buffer[36] = 0x13; buffer[37] = 0x32; buffer[38] = 0x2a; buffer[39] = 0x2d; buffer[40] = 0x35; buffer[41] = 0x38; buffer[42] = 0x1b; buffer[43] = 0x2b; buffer[44] = 0x27; buffer[45] = 0x22; buffer[46] = 0xf; local_5ac = 5; lVar8 = 0x30; plVar10 = &DAT_00102040; plVar12 = local_398; while (lVar8 != 0) { lVar8 = lVar8 + -1; *plVar12 = *plVar10; plVar10 = plVar10 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; plVar12 = plVar12 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; } local_690[0x2f] = '\0'; mem_i = 0; while ((long)mem_i < 0x2f) { local_398[mem_i] = local_398[mem_i] + -0x1a000; local_398[mem_i] = local_398[mem_i] + -0xc51; local_398[mem_i] = local_398[mem_i] - (long)(int)((int)local_220 + 5U ^ uVar9); local_690[buffer[mem_i] - ((int)local_220 + 5)] = (char)local_398[mem_i]; mem_i = mem_i + 1; } mem_i = 0; local_678 = fopen(local_690,"r"); if (local_678 != NULL) { fseek(local_678,0,SEEK_END); lVar8 = ftell(local_678); mem_i = (ulong)(lVar8 == (int)((local_5ac + (int)local_220 ^ uVar9) + 0x18ce6)); fclose(local_678); } iVar2 = CURRENT_TIME->tm_hour; if (mem_i != 0) { local_6a0 = 0; while (local_6a0 < 0xd50c51) { if (*(char *)((long)mem + local_6a0) != '\0') { local_670 = malloc(0x2a); lVar8 = local_6a0; local_6cc = (int)local_6a0; local_6b0 = 0; lVar4 = local_6b0; do { local_6b0 = lVar4; bVar3 = (byte)(local_6cc >> 0x37); uVar9 = (uint)(local_6cc >> 0x1f) >> 0x1c; if ((int)((local_6cc + uVar9 & 0xf) - uVar9) < 10) { cVar5 = '0'; } else { cVar5 = 'W'; } *(byte *)((long)local_670 + local_6b0) = (((char)local_6cc + (bVar3 >> 4) & 0xf) - (bVar3 >> 4)) + cVar5; if (local_6cc < 0) { local_6cc = local_6cc + 0xf; } local_6cc = local_6cc >> 4; lVar4 = local_6b0 + 1; } while (local_6cc != 0); iVar6 = (int)local_6b0; *(undefined *)((long)local_670 + local_6b0 + 1) = 0; local_6a0 = 0; local_6b0 = SEXT48(iVar6); while (local_6a0 < (long)local_6b0) { uVar1 = *(undefined *)((long)local_670 + local_6a0); *(undefined *)((long)local_670 + local_6a0) = *(undefined *)((long)local_670 +local_6b0); *(undefined *)((long)local_670 + local_6b0) = uVar1; local_6a0 = local_6a0 + 1; local_6b0 = local_6b0 - 1; } local_698 = 0; while (local_698 < iVar6 + 1) { local_690[local_6a8] = *(char *)(local_698 + (long)local_670); local_698 = local_698 + 1; local_6a8 = local_6a8 + 1; } local_690[local_6a8] = local_690[local_6a8] + 'C'; local_690[local_6a8 + 1] = local_690[local_6a8 + 1]; local_690[local_6a8 + 2] = local_690[local_6a8 + 2] + 'L'; local_690[local_6a8 + 1] = 'S'; local_6a8 = local_6a8 + 3; local_6a0 = lVar8; free(local_670); } local_6a0 = local_6a0 + 1; } } lVar8 = 0x41; plVar10 = &DAT_001021c0; plVar12 = local_218; while (lVar8 != 0) { lVar8 = lVar8 + -1; *plVar12 = *plVar10; plVar10 = plVar10 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; plVar12 = plVar12 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; } lVar8 = 0x20; puVar11 = &DAT_001023e0; puVar13 = local_4a8; while (lVar8 != 0) { lVar8 = lVar8 + -1; *puVar13 = *puVar11; puVar11 = puVar11 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; puVar13 = puVar13 + (ulong)bVar14 * -2 + 1; } *(undefined4 *)puVar13 = *(undefined4 *)puVar11; mem_i = 0; while (mem_i < 0x40) { if (*(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4) - iVar2 < 1) { iVar6 = iVar2 - *(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4); } else { iVar6 = *(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4) - iVar2; } if (*(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4) - iVar2 < 1) { iVar7 = iVar2 - *(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4); } else { iVar7 = *(int *)((long)local_4a8 + mem_i * 4) - iVar2; } aiStack1448[(ulong)(long)iVar7 % 0x41] = (int)local_690[local_218[(ulong)(long)iVar6 %0x41]]; mem_i = mem_i + 1; } mem_i = 0; while (mem_i < 0x40) { if ((mem_i & 1) == 0) { local_690[mem_i] = (char)aiStack1448[mem_i]; if (mem_i == 0) { local_6b0 = mem_i; } } else { if ((iVar2 == local_3a8 + (int)local_18) && (local_690[mem_i] = (char)aiStack1448[mem_i], mem_i == 1)) { local_6b0 = local_6b0 + 3; } } mem_i = mem_i + 1; } local_690[mem_i] = '\0'; printf(*(char **)(fStr + local_6b0 * 8),local_690,local_690); if (local_10 == *(long *)(in_FS_OFFSET + 0x28)) { return 0; } // WARNING: Subroutine does not return __stack_chk_fail();}
Well, that’s a lot of code. I was playing in this competition solo, so I was too lazy to properly reverse it at that time. Instead, I wrote a script that would solve it in the background for me, while I worked on other challenges in the foreground. But, to even write a script to bruteforce our way though, we need to find out what is variable (modifiable by us here), as it looks like this program takes no input.
Looking a bit deeper
The program takes in the current time via
CURRENT_TIME = localtime(&local_6c0);
but only uses the tm_min
and tm_hour
uVar9 = CURRENT_TIME->tm_min; ... iVar2 = CURRENT_TIME->tm_hour;
Furthermore, it opens a file, but only reads in it’s file size, then compares it with another number. This number might be a derivative of tm_min
, since the code before this uses tm_min
, but we are not sure yet.
mem_i = 0; local_678 = fopen(local_690,"r"); // open file if (local_678 != NULL) { // if exists... fseek(local_678,0,SEEK_END); // seek to the end lVar8 = ftell(local_678); // get the position of the current seek, // which is the end of the file, // effectively giving us the length of the file mem_i = (ulong)(lVar8 == (int)((local_5ac + (int)local_220 ^ uVar9) + 0x18ce6)); // compare it with this fclose(local_678); // close back file } iVar2 = CURRENT_TIME->tm_hour; if (mem_i != 0) { // mem_i is either 0 or non-zero here // after this comparison, mem_i is overwritten ...
In the end, a printf-formatted string is printed out. We can surmise that local_690
is a char array, since the end has a null byte, and thus that the format string has a %s
format specifier.
local_690[mem_i] = '\0'; printf(*(char **)(fStr + local_6b0 * 8),local_690,local_690);
So our variables are: the tm_min
and tm_hour
fields of the tm
struct returned by localtime()
, and the size of a file (that we do not know the name of).
We have to iterate through all possible tm_min
(0-60) and tm_hour
(0-24) values.
As for the file, we don’t even need to know it’s name or file size! Note that the variables used, lVar8
(size of file) and local_678
(file pointer) are overwritten afterwards, and they only serve to set mem_i
to either 0 or 1 (the result of the comparison with a number). We can set the value of mem_i
when it is next used, the if (mem_i != 0)
, to the value we want to try out. I assumed that we take the branch since the default was to avoid it (mem_i
is set as 0 originally).
To put it simply, before tm_min
and tm_hour
are used, we have to set it to the values we want, and when comparing mem_i
with 0 in the if
, we have to set it to 1
. I used Qiling for this task, but there are alternatives as well, such as Frida and GDB Scripting. I did not even need to read the documentation much, as it was very user friendly. Skimming the home page of Qiling and its examples is sufficient.
from qiling import *from pwn import *
base = 0x555555554000 # base address of executable, loaded by Qiling when PIE is enabled
# These offsets can be found from the binaryprintf = base + 0x01d48set_localtime = base + 0x139bcomparison = base + 0x174a
for h in range(0, 24): for m in range(0, 60):
def get_output(ql: Qiling): fmt = ql.mem.string(ql.reg.RDI) inp1 = ql.mem.string(ql.reg.RSI) out = [(h,m), fmt, inp1] print(out)
def set_localtime_fn(q: Qiling): tm = q.reg.RAX # output of localtime, the tm struct, is pointed by RAX q.mem.write(tm + 4, p32(m)) # &tm + 4 = tm_min q.mem.write(tm + 8, p32(h)) # &tm + 8 = tm_hour
def set_comparison(q): mem_i = q.reg.RBP-0x6b0 q.mem.write(mem_i, p32(1))
q = Qiling(['./soar'], rootfs="/", console=False) # make it a bit less noisy when console=False
q.hook_address(get_output, printf) q.hook_address(set_localtime_fn, set_localtime) q.hook_address(set_comparison, comparison) # hooks # wheee
The initial output is as follows:
[(0, 0), '\n', '']
[(0, 1), '\n', '']
[(0, 2), '\n', '']
[(0, 3), '\n', '']...
After a long wait (while I was solving other challenges in the foreground :)), we see this:
...[(10, 58), '\n', '']
[(10, 59), '\n', '']
[(11, 0), '%s\n', '4c7b655ed2e3eb42f1d886786c14fe5a757e416f5373de5cd2e4089b870eb5da']4c7b655ed2e3eb42f1d886786c14fe5a757e416f5373de5cd2e4089b870eb5da[(11, 1), '%s\n', '4c7b655ed2e3eb42f1d886786c14fe5a757e416f5373de5cd2e4089b870eb5da']4c7b655ed2e3eb42f1d886786c14fe5a757e416f5373de5cd2e4089b870eb5da...
This probably was not the intended solution, but I was short on time. Luckily the script needed very little debugging, and I managed to get valid outputs on my first few tries. Overall, I am quite amazed with Qiling and it’s ability to isolate and emulate binaries, and even provide a high level of introspection.
I did manage to know what the ‘intended’ solution was, which was to download a file from DSO’s site, (this PDF is actually referenced in an unused function that I did not notice), which was the file that we checked the size for, then bruteforcing tm_min
doesn’t even matter!).
Or download the file, then wait for noon 😂